List of other Services
Business Support
When conducting business in Japan, we will help you communicate and coordinate with Japanese companies that can provide synergy for your services and products, as well as find related companies.
Market Surveys
The first step in conducting a credit check in Japan is to utilize the databases of Japanese credit agencies. B-cause can handle these data searches, data translations, and other services for you.
Japanese Business Surveys
With our Japanese business survey service, we assist you by first surveying new and continuing business between businesses and individuals, as well as the credit standing between them (basic company information, past payment history, etc.).
Japanese Narration
We support all your "vocal" needs with our Japanese and multilingual narration services. We can also create a translation drafts for narration purposes. We provide narrators of different vocal qualities, ages, and expressions to provide you with the best narration for your purposes.
Japanese Web Design
Website professionals, who understand Japanese business, culture, and problems arising when displaying websites on Japanese-language computers, will create a website that will help you in your business. Let us help you in expanding your business in Japan.
Japanese Web Design
We support your activities in Japan by contacting Japanese clients for you, and act as a bridge in your dealings and contracts with them. Let us be your temporary office here in Japan!

From editing to printing, trust b-cause for you printing related needs. Whether it's a company or school guide, a pamphlet, poster, flier, booklet, magazine ad, DM, or envelope publishing, or print design, b-cause does it all!
We can handle Illustrator, Photoshop, or various other applications that match your needs.

Outlining a text helps avoid character corruption from unsupported fonts.
Outlining is necessary for text layout and DTP when a text is translated in an unsupported font.

Our editing follows both standard and specialized formatting guidelines. Seasoned native staff meticulously check and edit your document for structure, word breaks, textual line breaks, and other elements for correctness.

We provide a wide variety of printing related services, from design and editing to printing and envelopes. Whether it's a company or school guide, a pamphlet, poster, flier, booklet, magazine ad, or DM, b-cause does it all!

Our proofreading follows both standard and specialized formatting guidelines. Seasoned native staff meticulously check and edit your document for structure, word breaks, textual line breaks, and other elements for correctness.

The spoken portions of taped or videoed lectures, symposiums, interviews, on location VTR, and so on are transcribed into Word files (or other formats). Transcription is performed by native staff for accuracy.

Web (HTML) design
Native staff guide us on the proper font, titles, graphs, figures, and other layout aspects for your web coding. B-cause is your one-stop provider for Japanese/multilingual translation as well as web (HTML) creation.

Data entry/furigana
We input paper-based data in foreign languages into a computer file. We also provide pronunciation of foreign words using katakana or the alphabet.
Trust b-cause for translation, proofreading, editing, data entry, furigana, layout, DTP, outlining, PDF creation, transcription, and web design (coding) in any language.
Past Clients